Superlative Forms of Adjectives

The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson we continue our unit on Adjectives and Adverbs. Today we focus on superlative forms of adjectives. 

What's Wrong With This Sentence?

The earthquake was the most terrifying and worst experience of my life.

You can read our prior lesson, Comparative Forms of Adjectives, before you begin today with the exercises.

Superlative Forms of Adjectives

What Is a Superlative Form of an Adjective?

Use the superlative form of an adjective when you are comparing three or more items.

How Do You Form the Superlative Form of an Adjective?

This depends on several factors.  It depends on:

  • how many syllables the adjective has, and

  • what letter of the alphabet the adjective ends in.

One-syllable Adjectives  ("Short" adjectives)
e.g. few, tall, large, sad
superlative Add the + est
large Who was the largest President?
great Life is the greatest gift.
good superlative:   the best
bad superlative:   the worst

Multi-syllable Adjectives that End in the Letter ~y
e.g. happy, easy, silly
  1) First, eliminate the ~y.
  2) Then:
superlative add ~iest
happy The happiest people are those who are satisfied with what they have.
  It was one of the happiest moments in my childhood.


One-syllable Adjectives that End in the Letter ~y
e.g. shy, gay
Follow the rule in Chart #1, above, for "short" adjectives.  There are two (2) acceptable ways of spelling this.
superlative add ~iest
shy I was the shiest person in my class.
I was the shyest person in my class.


Multi-syllable Adjectives that Do Not End in the Letter ~y
e.g. beautiful, interesting
superlative Add the most ~
important Mt. Merendon is the most important mountain in Honduras. 

San Pedro Sula is the second most important city in Honduras.

Add one of the most ~ +plural form of noun
beautiful Love is one of the most beautiful emotions a person can experience.

Word Order

When using two or more superlative adjectives in a phrase:

  • place the adjectives that use an adjective ending (~est) first.

  • place the adjectives that use a helping word (more, most, etc.) last.

What's Wrong With This Sentence?  
The earthquake was
the most terrifying and the worst experience of my life .
The earthquake was the worst and (the) most terrifying experience of my life.

Next... Unit Quiz.

Continue for our Adjectives Unit Quiz.

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