Indirect Speech and Thought (also known as "Reported Speech")

The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson we begin our unit on Indirect Speech (also known as Reported Speech). 

Please keep in mind that all the examples you see below were contributed by ESL students in their writing and reading classes. We bring you only authentic writing.

Sneak Preview


The following is modified from the essay Doing It My Own Way, found in Level 2 Verbs and Level 3 Gerunds and Infinitive Phrases of our Easy Writer software (also available in our Inner Circle). We have converted the dialogue from that essay into indirect speech, which you will see in bold letters. Compare this version to the original.

Then we came to America and my father told me that I had to learn the language quickly and to find a jobHe told me that I didn't have to go to college hereHe also said that if i didn't go to college in Russia, I couldn't study in America.  He told me to forget about college.

However, I replied that there was no way that I was going to forget about college.  I insisted that I would go to college because it was very important for my future.

What Is Direct Speech?


There are a few basic ways for a writer to report on someone's statements and thoughts.

One way is by using quoted speech, in which he uses the original speaker's exact words.

  • My father said, "You have to go to college."

The second way is by using indirect or reported speech.  in reported speech, the writer may even change the exact words but he must be true to the general idea.

  • My father told me that I had to go to college.

  • My father said that I had to go to college.

  • My father told me to go to college.

Notice the differences in the punctuation, pronouns and verb tense between the original quoted speech sentence and the indirect (reported) speech sentences above.

Next...Components of Indirect Speech and Thought


Join us or our next lesson, "Components of Indirect Speech and Thought."

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