Reflexive Pronouns


Welcome to Our Online English Grammar HELP! Student Handbook!

While doing the exercises below, keep in mind that our grammar exercises are unique; they were created with you in mind. Each example that is used came from the writing of another learner of English.

Now let's continue with our Grammar HELP! Book's Chapter, Nouns and Pronouns. This unit today is for beginners and intermediate learners of English.

Identify the various types of pronouns in the sentence below: 

When I write, I can express myself clearly.

We will discuss this in the lesson below.

We begin with written activities.  You can print out the exercises below and complete them.

After you complete the activities and when you are ready to check your answers, go to our "Answer Key" shelf located in "Our Library".

In our Library, you can locate the lesson One, Two, Three Little Countable Nouns. You may want to review that lesson before you begin today with the exercises.

An Reflexive Pronoun Is...


We use the reflexive pronoun to make reference to a noun object tht refers back to the subject of the sentence.

When you look at the chart of reflexive pronouns, notice that the pattern is not regular, and be careful when you use reflexive pronouns.

Singular Plural
myself ourselves
yourself yourselves
herself, himself, itself

Notice that most of the reflexive pronouns have a possessive adjective at their root.  Only the 3rd person plural, themselves, does not.

Here are some sentences generated by ESL students: 

  • When I write, I can express myself clearly.

  • When children go to school and get an education, they create themselves as intelligent human beings.

  • I think it is good to pray, but prayer will not help a student if the student didn't help himself.

Next... Noun-Pronoun Agreement


Click here to continue with "Noun/Pronoun Agreement".

That's it for today's lesson. Thank you for dropping by this week and remember to send us your questions about English grammar by contacting us through our blog.

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