PASSIVE VOICE:  Introduction Part 1, continued


Warm-up 1

The practice sentences below are all active voice sentences.  Some have intransitive verbs and follow the pattern S-V and cannot, therefore, become passive.  Some have transitive verbs, follow the pattern S-V-O, and can become passive voice.

For each sentence below,
write S under each subject and V under each verb.  Write O beneath each object, if the sentence has one.  Last, write yes if the sentence can become passive voice and write no if it cannot.

EXAMPLE:  A dragon carried Andromeda away.                          yes
                        S            V             O

1.  Many people are suffering.

2.  I am writing a letter to my landlord.

3.  I arrived in the United States one year ago.

4.  This teacher taught me so much.

5.  Samantha wrote a letter to the Russian President Andropov.

6.  His mother told him to study hard in school.


Are you ready for the ANSWERS?

Next.... What Is Passive Voice?  Part 2


Now let's continue with "What Is PASSIVE VOICE, Part 2"?


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