Passive Voice: Chapter Wrap-up

The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

We have now concluded our lessons on Passive Voice. 

Today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson presents an additional opportunity for practice and for self-assessment. You can also use this quiz as a pre-test. The quiz covers all issues in passive voice that we have covered in this chapter.

You can review this unit, Passive Voice, before you begin today's quiz.

Editing Practice #2


The following sentences are from ESL students' writing. Find the problems(s) in passive voice in each sentence and correct them. Check your answers when you are done.

1.  During the Great Depression, most of the banks were close.

2.  Frederick Douglass was not allow to become educated.

3.  The two men were badly need by their families.

4.  Fruit trees such as coconut, plum, cherry, mango, pineapple, orange, and guava widely growed in many backyards in my country, Guyana.

5.  Love must based on good things.

6.  Teenagers are more easily influence by advertising than adults are.

7.  Albert Einstein will be remember for his ideas and his contributions to society and science.

Click here for the answers to the Power Edit #2, Passive Voice.

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