
The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson, we have a quiz
for you.

This is a unit quiz.  It covers our first few lessons on Prepositions.

You can review the last lesson in this unit, Transitive Verbs That Do Not Take a Preposition, before you begin today's quiz.

Power Edit #1


The following sentences are from ESL students' writing. Find and correct the problems(s) in preposition use in each sentence. Do not change the verb or adjective that the writer has chosen.

Check your answers when you are done.

1.  ( ) remind me of my childhood.

2.  ( ) told me not to be afraid of problems.

3.  ( ) insist on having more equality.

4.  Kate Adams waited for Michael ( ).

5.  ( ) makes it easier for us to communicate with others.

6.  I'd like to discuss one of those countries...

7.  ( ) help each other.

8.  ( ) pay attention to what you are eating.

So from the ESL Help Desk, thanks for dropping by for this lesson and remember to email us your questions about English grammar by way of our blog

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