

Welcome to today's Grammar HELP! Handbook lesson, lesson, as we continue in our chapter, 'Nouns and Pronouns". We begin the section on pronouns, with INTRODUCTION TO PRONOUNS.

Before you begin the activities, you may also want to study the podcast and grammar lesson,
He's Always Talking about Grammar, also in our Library. (This lesson is open to members only but membership is free!)

Pronouns and their position in a sentence


Pronouns have characteristics that reflect their position in a sentence and their function.  For example, a demonstrative pronoun refers back to a item that was just mentioned.

Pronouns are similar to nouns in that they both have singular and plural forms. Demonstrative pronouns have singular and plural forms. 

Demonstrative pronouns also have forms that reflect relative distance to the speaker or to the item just mentioned: this and that for closer, and these and those for more distant.

Demonstrative Pronouns


Use a demonstrative pronoun to refer to an idea that you have just mentioned.  It may be used in the subject position or in the object position.

  • I have always loved my family.  However, this was not enough to keep my marriage together.

In the above sentence, this refers to the fact that he has always loved his family.




Be a Grammar Geek!


What does the pronoun these refer to in the sentence below?

Some people are poor and wish to be wealthy.  Some are wealthy and wish they were happy, too.  Some people are lonely and wish to have a family.  These are fantasies that help people to aspire to a better life.

Your answer:  ____________________________________________________________

You will find the answer in our "Answer Key".

Next...  Object Pronouns


Our next unit is OBJECT PRONOUNS.

Thank you for dropping by this week and remember to email us your questions about English grammar via our blog.

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