Sentence Fragments: Introduction


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What's wrong with the sentence below?

Problem:   Like when they tell them to do something they don't want to do.

You've probably heard or seen the term "Sentence Fragment," but what exactly is a sentence fragment?

In today's lesson we answer this question as we continue our unit Punctuation and discuss Punctuation and Sentence Fragments.

What Is a Sentence Fragment?


A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. 

The most common type of sentence fragment is a dependent (or subordinate) clause that has not been attached to a main or independent clause. 

Another common type of sentence fragment is a long noun clause, where there is no verb to complete the sentence.

The presence of fragments in formal writing is unacceptable.  It is very distressing to writing teachers and can keep a student from moving ahead in his writing and English program.

In future units, we will discuss

  • Fragments and Compound Sentences

  • Fragments and Complex Sentences

  • Fragments in writing vs. Fragments in Conversation

Learn to Recognize a Fragment

Examples of Sentence Fragments

There are often multiple ways of repairing a fragment. In each case, however, there will be a main subject and a main verb.

Problem 1:
 Like when they tell them to do something they don't want to do.


  • Children complain when their parents tell them to do something they don't want to do.

  • Children complain when, for example, their parents tell them to do something they don't want to do.

Problem 2:   But if I write down only the most important ideas.


  • But if I write down only the most important ideas, I will understand the lecture better.

Problem 3:    For example, Thomas Edison, who invented the first incandescent light bulb.


  • For example, Thomas Edison, who invented the first incandescent light bulb, was an example of a pioneer in science.

  • Thomas Edison, who invented the first incandescent light bulb, was an example of a pioneer in science.

Next lesson...


In our NEXT LESSON:  Fragments and Compound Sentences

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