The Overuse of Commas

The Overuse of Commas


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Follow below as we discuss COMMAS and the OVERUSE of COMMAS.

To view the prior lesson, 'Commas and Relative Clauses,' click here.

Before you begin the activities, you may want to study the lesson, Punctuation, also in our Library.

Common Errors with the Placement of Commas

Combining sentences using a

In addition to not using a comma where there should be one, people often mistakenly place a comma where there should not be a comma. 

Let's take a look at some of the common errors in this regard

Sometimes we adults, and parents tend to be so busy that we cannot spend time with our children, friends, or parents.

Sometimes we adults and parents tend to be so busy that we cannot spend time with our children, friends, or parents.

  • The comma should not separate the verb from the object of the verb.

I believe, that we all go to heaven.
I believe that we all go to heaven.

Boris Ewell knew, that he could say whatever he wanted.
Boris Ewell knew that he could say whatever he wanted.

I believe, that we all have that right.
I believe, that we all have that right.

I try to make myself believe, that the day that has just begun will be better than the day that has just passed.
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  • The comma should not be used arbitrarily.  Follow the rules of when to use a comma in writing.  The use of a comma does not parallel where one would pause in speaking.

  • The comma should not separate the subject from the verb.

  • The comma should not separate the adverbial clause from the clause that it is describing or modifying.

The Constitutional Amendment providing for Freedom of Speech, gives people the right to speak out, about a law that they believe is unfair or should be changed.
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He believed, that the doctors and nurses, were no good and needed to be replaced.
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It is sad to begin to recognize what our children, friends, and parents mean to us, only during a time of tragedy.
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