Sentence Structure: End of Chapter Editing Exercises

The exercises below are based on earlier units in our "Sentence Structure" chapter.

Today's Grammar HELP! Handbook lesson provides you with more exercises to test your understanding of English sentence structure.  It can be used as a pre-test or a post-test for our chapter, "Sentence Structure" and to challenge you to apply what you've learned.  It is primarily for beginners and lower-intermediate learners of English. This is not an audio lesson.

Before you begin the activities BELOW, you may want to study the podcast and initial grammar lesson, He's Always Talking about Grammar , also in our Library.

Editing Exercise 2


The sentences below are from students' writing and contain errors with sentence structure.  Locate the errors and rewrite each sentence correctly.  If the time reference is unclear, use what seems most appropriate from the context. Use appropriate punctuation.  The hyperlink should bring you to the grammar lesson for that particular error and provide you with grammar assistance.

1. Smoking is an addiction and is not easy to give it up.

2.  I think is important to have some privacy.

3.  People who exercise every day, they are more relaxed.

4. In many countries, life it's not expensive.

5.  Many fathers able to take good care of their children.

6.  We shouldn't always buy the things we want on credit because we may no have the money to pay the loan back.

7.  New York City was exciting because we saw American, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, France and England people everywhere we went.

8.  I like to stay home and watching TV, play music, and read a book.

The Answer Key

Check your answers by clicking on this  Answer Key to Sentence Structure Editing Practice #2 link.

Next... Editing Exercise #3


Please continue with our follow-up activity, Editing Practice #3.

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