English Sentence Structure:  Parallel Structures

Of the three types of sentence structures in English, simple, compound and complex, we are now going to study the complex sentence.

Welcome to the ESL Help! Desk, where the examples and writing samples are authentic English! Our website is always evolving, to bring you more opportunities to improve your English skills.

Today, we are going to continue in our chapter "Sentence Structure" from our library shelf.

Before you begin the activities, you may also want to study the podcast and grammar lesson, He's Always Talking about Grammar , also in our Library.

What Is "Parallel Structure"?


In English, the order of the words within each sentence, what we call syntax or sentence structure, is very important.

When similar ideas are connected with a conjunction (and, or, but), the ideas must be PARALLEL, i.e. in a similar grammatical form.

Life is too short to worry about foolish things or to be sad for a long time.
                           infinitive phrase                   infinitive phrase

I have to be ready to leave (to) catch the bus.
                           infinitive phrase        infinitive phrase

This caused a war between the English and the Chinese.
                                        noun, the people    noun, the people

This caused a war between England and China.
                                  noun, the country      noun, the country

Solving Problems

Both forms must be correct and parallel with each other.  You'll find the answers in the Answer Key.

Problem:   You have to try to forget him and being happy.

Solution:    You have to try to forget him and ________  happy.

Problem:   Asking the court for help is better and safer than hurt another person and then feel guilty for what you've done.

Solution:   Asking the court for help is better and safer than _______ another person and then  _________ guilty for what you've done.

You will find the answers by clicking HERE.


Here are some sentences which lack parallelism.  Can you fix them?  What type of problem did the original sentence have?

What's Wrong with This Sentence?

1.  The best thing to do is to ask for help or calling the police.


2.  I believe that Japanese cars last longer than an American car.

3.  My name, Du Chao, reminds me to be successful and courage.

4.  We were talking and try to understand each other.


Click here to find the answers to Parallel Structure, lesson 7-8.


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