The Run-on Sentence


Today's Grammar HELP! Handbook lesson continues our chapter, "Sentence Structure".  It is primarily for beginners and lower-intermediate learners of English. This is not an audio lesson.

Before you begin the activities BELOW, you may want to study the podcast and initial grammar lesson, He's Always Talking about Grammar , also in our Library.

The Basics

Many of you know the term "run on sentence", even if you are not sure what constitutes a run-on sentence.  Often a grammar book includes run-on sentences in its "Punctuation" chapter.  We decided against including run-on sentences in our "Punctuation" chapter and decided, instead, to include it in our "Sentence Structure" chapter. Why?  

A run-on sentence is not really one sentence; it is a "sentence" that should have ended but due to improper punctuation and capitalization, has continued into what should be a new sentence. Therefore we felt that a "run-on sentence" represented an improper knowledge or understanding of what constitutes a sentence.

Below we deal with sentence structure and the concept of the "run-on" sentence.

What Is a Run-on Sentence?

Proper sentence structure requires that the writer know when one sentence has ended and a new sentence has begun. In writing, we use punctuation to indicate when one sentence has ended.  In conversation, we use our voices and inflection and pauses. 

When a sentence does not end with proper punctuation and the writer continues writing into what should be a new sentence, without proper capitalization, you may have a run-on.

Problem:  Everyone has dreams, some people dare to make their dreams come true and some do not.

Solution:  Everyone has dreams.  Some people dare to make their dreams come true and some do not.

Now You Do It!

Turn each run-on into two simple sentences. 

PUNCTUATION:     Indicate the end of the first sentence by adding proper punctuation.

CAPITALIZATION:  Indicate the beginning of the second sentence by using a capital letter (A, B, C, etc.).

Problem:  I was in medical school, it was a very good time for me.
Solution:  ___________________________________________________

Problem:  Many people disagreed with the government's position but they had no choice, the
                    military draft required them to enlist.

Solution:  ____________________________________________________________
 The Answer Key

Check your answers by clicking on this Answer Key link.


In our next lesson...

Continue to our next lesson, Proportional Sentences: the more ~, the less ~

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