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My First Day in School

We'd like to welcome you to the ESL Help Desk, your home page for questions and comments about English grammar and writing.  We are podcasting from beautiful and historic Boston.  If you are in our listening audience today, welcome to www.ESLHelpDesk.com!   And please feel free to use the online resources to email us your questions and comments because here, your feedback is our feed.

Today we are going to listen to a story, called "My First Day in School".  This story was written by Andre Chechin.  If you'd like to read the text of this story, please click on the
Easy Writer CD-ROM image to the left to find out how you can obtain a copy of the software.

The story we're going to listen to was written by one of my students. It is a short paragraph, but it  expresses much about that student's complex and often contradictory feelings his first day in school in his new country.
The sculpture you see on the right is a photograph of the sculpture the writer is referring to in the paragraph.   How does looking at this sculpture make you feel?  Does looking at it make you want to read a book? 


***    ***

After you listen to the audio, think about the following:

  • What were the contradictory feelings that he expressed?

  • Why do you think colleges like to place sculptures around the campus?

  • Are there any sculptures on your college campus that you especially like? 

  • Do you have any particular memories of your first day in an ESL classroom?

To listen to only the audio story, "My First Day in College", click here!

This is your ESL Help Desk signing off!  Please come back soon!

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Music by Anthony Boris, copyright, All Rights Reserved