Sequence of Tenses ('back-shift")

The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson we continue our unit on Indirect Speech (also known as Reported Speech). 

Please keep in mind that all the examples you see below were contributed by ESL students in their writing and reading classes. We bring you only authentic writing.

What Is "Sequence of Tenses"? When Do I Use It?


When the main verb is in the past tense, you must change the verb tense of the dependent clause (i.e., the words being reported).

  • Direct:  Last night Joe said, "I am hungry."

  •  Indirect:  Last night Joe said that he was hungry.


  • Direct speech:     I said, "You must forget him."

  • Indirect speech:  I told her that she had to forget him.

When not to use the sequence of tenses


When the main verb is in the present tense, reflects a general truth or presents a known fact, the verb tense of the dependent clause remains the same.

  • Every day Joe says, "I am hungry." (simple present)
  • Every day Joe says that he is hungry. (simple present)

  • He said, "Life is not easy." (simple present)
  • He told me that life is not easy. (simple present)



   Warmup 2

Look at each pair of sentences below. What is the verb tense of the quoted speech? What is the verb tense of the verb in the dependent clause in the indirerect speech sentence?

1.  His mother said, "Study hard in school."                   __________
     His mother told him to study hard in school.              __________
2.  They say, "We will be happier if we have a steady job."           __________
     They said that they would be happier if they had a steady job.___________

3.  He said, "You don't look well."       __________
     He said that I didn't look well.       __________

4.  She said, "It is Marie and Emil who were in the wrong."                          __________
     She said that it was Marie and Emil who had been in the wrong."            __________

You can check your answers by clicking here.

"Back-shift" and the Sequence of Tenses Chart


Sometimes the sequence of tenses is called "back-shift" because the verb tense tends to shift one time reference back.  You will notice this in the chart on the next page and see this more as you continue in this chapter.

Please continue with our next lesson, "Sequence of Tenses Chart"

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