Noun/Pronoun Agreement

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Welcome to Our Online English Grammar HELP! Book - Online.

Today we continue our discussion of nouns and pronouns. This unit is for beginners and intermediate learners of English.   You can print out the exercises below and complete them in your own time.  You can check your answers when you are done.

In our Library, you can locate the lesson One, Two, Three Little Countable Nouns. You may want to review that lesson before you begin today with the exercises. (Lessons is available to members only but membership is free!)

Nouns and Pronouns:  Being "in Agreement"

A noun and any pronoun that refers to it must be in agreement ("in concordance") in number(singular, plural) and in gender (male female), if applicable.

In the sentences below, all the pronouns - subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and reflexive pronouns - are in agreement ("in concordance") with the nouns they refer to.

  • I believe that God helps people who help themselves

  • Unfortunately, many students, including myself, pray to God before they take a test because it is the only chance and hope that  they will do well on the test.

  • She took some prayer sticks and lit them and placed them in a can.  The sticks burned until they were burned out.

Can you fill in the blanks below with the correct pronouns?  You will be able to check your answers.

Many students think that if they pray to God to help him to pass his test, then they will definitely pass this test.

Many students thing that if they pray to God to help _______ to pass  ______ test, then they will definitely pass this test.

Power Edit

Now we will have a POWER EDIT exercise.  These sentences are all from ESL students' writing.  There are errors in noun/pronoun agreement. Can you fix them?

POWER EDIT  Be careful: When the pronoun changes from singular to plural or visa versa, you may have to change the verb, too.
1. Every nationality in Nalchik has their own community.
2. Central Park is a magical place where a person can relax and gather their thoughts.
3. Many Americans like to watch TV to relax and to educate ourselves.
4. Even a large company needs to send letters to their customers.
5. She loves to give advice but she refuses to take them.

Click here to check your answers to the Noun/Pronoun Agreement exercises.

Next... Pronouns and Double Negatives

Please continue with our next unit, Pronouns and Double Negatives.

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