Chapter 1: Nouns and Pronouns


Welcome to Our Online English Grammar HELP! Student Handbook!

While doing the exercises below, keep in mind that our grammar exercises are unique; they were created with you in mind. Each example that is used came from the writing of another learner of English.

Now let's continue with Nouns and Pronouns. This unit today is for beginners and intermediate learners of English.

What's wrong with this sentence? 

My mom was so worried about he.

In our Library, you can locate the lesson One, Two, Three Little Countable Nouns. You may want to review that lesson before you begin today with the exercises.


An Object Pronoun Is...


We use the object pronoun when we need to use a pronoun as:

  •  object of the verb

  • object of the preposition.

Singular Plural
me us
you you
her, him, it them


In the following sentences, the object is the object of the preposition: 

  • They need their parents to spend more time with them.

  • He didn't spend time with us.

In the following sentences, the object is the object of the verb

  • I don't know if the prayer sticks really helped us.

  • She took some prayer sticks and placed them in a can and lit them.


What's wrong with this sentence?

Problem:  My mom was so worried about he.

Solution :  My mom was so worried about him.


Problem:  The villagers used to warn ours.

Solution:  The villagers used to warn _________ .

Click here for the answers to Object Pronouns: "Try These".

Next... Subject-Verb Agreement with Noncount Nouns


Click here to continue with "Subject-Verb Agreement with Noncount Nouns".


That's it for today's lesson. Thank you for dropping by this week and remember to send us your questions about English grammar by contacting us through our blog.

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