Punctuation - TEST YOUR SKILLS

The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook- Online! lesson, we have a quiz for you. The quiz covers problems in punctuation.

You can review this unit, Punctuation, before you begin today's quiz.

Power Edit #1


The following sentences are from ESL students' writing. Find the problems(s) in punctuation and correct them.  Punctuation modifications may also require you to make other syntactical changes, such as creating one single sentence.

Check your answers when you are done.

1.  He didn't ask for money, he asked for respect.

2.  When he went to New York.  He headed uptown.

3.  I think that in the future a lot of people might be out of a job.  Because high-tech machines will do all our work for us.

4.  We hear the sound of children laughing.  Reminding us to have fun and enjoy life.

5.  In my native country.  I was very happy.

6.  Parents should compliment their children when they make an effort to do positive things.  Before it is too late.  

Click here for the answers to the Power Edit #1, Adjectives.

Next...  Editing Exercise #2

Next lesson...

Join us next week for our unit on Punctuation: Editing Exercise #2.

Thank you for dropping by for this lesson and remember to email us your questions about English grammar by way of our blog

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