Articles and Singular Countable Nouns
To read the Introductory units on articles, click here.
What's the
in the sentence below?
After we moved to the United
States, my wife found the job.
To read the Introductory units on articles, click here.
How Do You Know Which Article to Use?
The singular form
of a countable noun can be introduced
by the articles a, an and
Singular Countable Nouns: a and an
Use the article a before the singular count noun when the person to whom you are speaking or writing does not know which specific item you are referring to.
One sculpture is of a girl who is reading a book.
Use the article a before the noun when your reference to that item is not specific.
That's a good idea.
Don't forget to take a hot drink along.
When I was a child, I wanted to be a fireman.
If I had dropped out of school, I probably would have become a salesperson.
Use the article an instead of a before the noun phrase when the next word begins with a vocalized sound.
The search for religious freedom led the first settlers to travel to an unknown land.
That's an idea.
That's a good idea.
That's an interesting idea.
Fix This!
What's the
in the sentence below?
After we moved to the United
States, my wife found the
After we moved to the United
States, my wife found a
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