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In today's lesson we continue our unit on modals.  Today's topic is: Commonly Used Modals

Before you begin the activities, you may want to begin with the first unit in this chapter, What Is a Modal? (This lesson is open to members only but membership is free!)

Commonly Used Modals


In this unit we discuss the most commonly used modals in the United States and Canada. We organize our list based on, in order:

  1. The information that the modal conveys

  2. The time reference

In this lesson, we will discuss four and in the next lesson we will discuss the final four.

This lesson


future will + (base form)
will not, won't
+ (base form)

The marriage will work out.
The marriage will not (won't) work out.
past would have + past participle
would not have
+ past participle

Their marriage would have worked out.
Their marriage would not have worked out.


POSSIBILITY (less than 100% certainty)
future could + (base form)
could not
+ (base form), couldn't + (base form)

future may + (base form)           might + (base form)
may not
+ (base form)     might not + (base form)

Not getting divorced may cause even more problems.
Not getting divorced might cause even more problems.
past may have + past participle        might have + past participle
may not have
+ past participle  might not have + past part.

Their marriage might have worked out.
Their marriage might not have worked out.


present can + (base form)
can't ~, cannot +
(base form)

They are well and can sit and stand.
They are sick and can't sit or stand.

past could + (base form)
+ (base form)

They were sick and couldn't sit or stand.

(be) able to + (base form)
not (be) able to
+ (base form)
present They are sick and are not able to sit or stand.
past They were sick and were not able to sit or stand.
future They are sick and will not be able to sit or stand.


REQUESTS and PERMISSION (making a request and asking permission)
present may + (base form)  
may not
(mayn't is archaic and rare)

+ (base form)   (informal)
+ (base form), cannot + (base form)

The teacher said that I may take the test during class.
The teacher said that I can take the test during class.
My teacher said that I can't take the test during class.

could + (base form)
could not
+ (base form)  

Could you
please send me more information?
I asked my neighbor, "Could you please not play the music so loudly?"
The teacher said that I can take the test during class.



In our next unit...

We discuss more of most commonly used modals and their uses.

  • advisability with the strong threat of a bad result;

  • preference

  • necessity

  • strong advice

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