Learners of English Are Welcome Here!

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Here you can post your general comments about the ESL Help! Desk website, podcasts and blog.

Questions about grammar, writing, specific podcasts and more should be asked on our “Start” page.

Thank you.


  1. Mohamed

    I thank you sooooo much for this job. you are realy great.

  2. Anonymous

    I’m a English learner form China.I got ESL help desk just by accident,but I found it really a good partner for me and I acquired much treasure here.

  3. Mohamed

    I saw your website in a newspaper, that said that you guys teach people English as a second language. My dad wants to learn it by the internet because he doesn’t have time going to schools far from our house.. so my email is MMM@MMM.COM and I’ll wait for your feedback.

  4. ESL Help! Desk

    We help you learn English, if that’s what you mean. We do not provide internet “classes” but we do provide a lot of materials that are designed to help you to learn English and improve your English.

    I’m surprised that you saw our website in a newspaper because we do not advertise in newspapers. But it’s great that you arrived at our sight in any event.

    We’ve had our podasts which help you to read and listen and provide you with important vocabulary. Now we have our “Inner Circle” which provides you with additional opportunities to listen to native speakers and to do grammar exercises with – you name it – nouns, pronouns, verbs, gerunds and infinitive phrases, articles, passive and active voice, and much more.

    We’ve just added our story, Dogs Don’t Look Both Ways, a delightful story about a dog who was hit by a car and survived to write about it, from the dog’s point of view.

    And finally, we now have our blog! Here you can write to us and we’ll write back.

    If you do want more formal materials, we have several products that we sell. First, we have the popular Easy Writer software, which is very interactive and will help you with writing and with grammar; our “Deluxe” version provides audio and helps with listening. And then we have our “Grammar HELP! Student Handbook” which is a companion obook to the software. Many of our grammar lessons on the podcasts are taken from the book. The book, of course, provides many exercises and activities for further development.

    I hope that answers your question!

  5. Rachel

    I want to join this website with great resource! But I don’t know how to log in and use materials. My email address: YYY@YYY.com

    PLZ let me know how to join you! Thanks

  6. ESL Help! Desk

    Thank you, Rachel.

    You can join by clicking on the hyperlink “Library”. There, when you are registering, you will decide: Do you want the (free) Library membership, or do you want to also join the “Inner Circle”? (The URL is http://www.eslhelpdesk.com/library_registration.htm)

    The free Library membership allows you to listen to our podcasts and read along with the audio.

    You can also choose to join our “Inner Circle” for $5. per month. With this membership, you can listen to a wonderful collection of essays that were written by other learners of English. While you’re listening, you can also download the printouts of the essays. If you want to do grammar exercises, you can download the versions with the original errors, and then download the versions with the corrections.

    I hope this answers your questions.

  7. t.w

    what’s the theme you use for this blog? I can’t find the exact one on wpdesigner.

    Also, just want to let you know I am a leaner of English for many years.

  8. t.w

    A little introduction to you guys background would be nice.

  9. ESL Help! Desk

    T.W., We just switched themes. The current one is “See You At the Beach”. (Notice that they capitalized “At”, which should not have been, since it’s a preposition.) Before that we were using “dkret”. I am guessing you are asking about the “beach” theme. We much prefer the graphics layout of “See You at the Beach” and think we’ll stick with it for a while. It’s very easy to read, I find.

  10. ESL Help! Desk

    That’s a good idea. We’ll do a post some time soon that includes our background. Thanks for the suggestion.

  11. ESL Help! Desk

    Do you know anything about diagramming sentences? Get a paper and pencil!

    The sentence that you see derives from an underlying sentence that would be diagrammed as: Subject: “I” Verb: SAW Direct Object: MY MOTHER PARK THE CAR” and that noun phrase derives from Subject: MY MOTHER Verb: PARKED Direct Object: THE CAR. In the underlying sentence, there is no subject-verb agreement because the verb is simple past tense. But in the higher layer, the one we use for communication, the RULE is that we use the BASE FORM of the verb after the VERB OF PERCEPTION, “saw”.

    Let’s say the noun phrase of the underlying sentence was “My mother was parking the car”. In such cases, we do away with the helping verb “was” and the end sentence is “I SAW MY MOTHER PARKING THE CAR.”Why is this so?

    I don’t know where this transformation occurred, whether it is the influence of another language early in the development of English, whether it is the miracle of the human brain, and the natural evolution of human language. But this is how English is, at this point in time.

    There is a legitimate English sentence that maintains the subject-verb agreement: “I saw (that) your other parks her car” but that has a different meaning and that different meaning would probably be reflected verbally in a different inflection. Perhaps it would be said in a tone of surprise. “Brian, I saw your mother parks the car in the street. Why doesn’t she just park the car in the driveway?” Or “Brian, I saw your mother parks her own car. Why doesn’t she use the valet service?”

    The above sentence and sentence structure is a statement of general truth, not a referral to a particular instance, as in your original sentence, “I saw my mother park the car (this morning when she got home from shopping)”, which can be attributed to a particular time and place.

    Are we being thorough enough?

    the ESL HELP! Desk

  12. ESL Help! Desk

    You can read our web page, http://www.eslhelpdesk.com/about.html.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  13. Panama Canal

    Me English no well, but had to say me like what you say. Thank you from me. Me share video now of my country.

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