Software for Students
Interactive Software and Books
for Learners of English

Get HELP! with English grammar with our newly revised handbook.

The Grammar HELP! Student Handbook© 

This Grammar HELP! Student Handbook is designed to be a companion to the Easy Writer software. 

However, it's so packed with grammar explanations, examples and activities, and sentences and paragraphs to edit that you can use it on its own, even without the software.

The easily referenced units and sub-units will help you reference back and forth between the book (below left) and the software (below right), and visa versa.

Grammar HELP! Student Handbook

Easy Writer software

Click to enlarge images.

The answers to the Power Edit exercises can be found in the back of the book.


At the end of each chapter, or sometimes at the end of a major section of a chapter, you will find similar Power Edit exercises.  Exercises at the end of each chapter begin with sentences, and build up to single paragraph and short essays of several paragraphs also taken from students' essays.










Copyright © 1995-2008 Software for Students.
All rights reserved.

Revised: 04/21/15.

Click to enlarge images.

<---- Great for teachers using the handbook with the class, and great for learners working on their own, the Problem/Solution activities in the handbook give learners an opportunity to practice editing with one or two sentences at a time, and to immediately receive feedback. 

The Power Edit exercises in the Grammar HELP! Student Handbook are provided throughout each chapter.   Each will give learners an opportunity to practice editing sentences that have errors with the structures that the handbook has covered in the last few sub-units.

The "mini-exercises" (see Exercise 6: left column, bottom left) are designed to give help you identify and use grammatical terms and concepts, so that you will have an easier time understanding the book and its explanations.  Our goal is not for you to become a linguist or an English teacher; our goal in these "exercises" is to make it easier for you and me to communicate about English and about language.  Each
mini-exercise  can be done interactively
Easy Writer .

 Wherever you see the image of the CD-ROM, as in Exercise 6 (left hand column, bottom left), you will know to look in Easy Writer, where you can do the activity interactively.  By looking in the software (see below), you can also find out if your answers are correct.  If you are using the software and the Grammar HELP! handbook, you can keep a record of your responses in the space provided in the book.

When you are using Easy Writer, simply click on the Grammar Book button on each menu of Easy Writer to get direct access to the same grammar pages that are in the Grammar HELP! Student Handbook.  

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