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In today's lesson we continue our unit on modals.  Today's topic is the modal would.

Before you begin the activities, you may want to begin with the first unit in this chapter, What Is a Modal? (This lesson is open to members only but membership is free!)



The modal would is very common and, like most modals, carries several different meanings. 

As with all modals, it should be followed by the base form of the verb.

When should you use the modal would? action that took place regularly in the past


Use it for an action that took place regularly in the past. Used in this way, it has roughly the same meaning as 'used to'.

an action that took place regularly in the past

When I was living in Belarus, I had many episodes that could apply to this law.  A teacher in the public school could check my backpack without saying a word.  And when I would ask her why she was doing this, she would look at me with a strange look.  This would even happen in technical school when it was popular for government officials to listen in to citizens' phone calls.


...with 2nd conditional


  • Use 'would' in the main clause

  • Use the past tense for the verb in the if clause.

present tense; contrary to fact

If everyone respected each other's privacy, it would be very nice.

It would be very nice if everyone respected each other's privacy.


...a polite request


The modal could also is used for a polite request, but would is even more polite.


Would you please help me?



In our next unit...

We have a Unit Quiz and a Grammar Exercise to Review Modals.

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